Evanston Regional Hospital Offers New Curbside Screening Process
Rapid results now available at ERH!
In an effort to make COVID testing more available to our community, Evanston Regional Hospital is offering self-referral curbside testing in the front of the hospital during normal business hours, Monday through Friday, 8:00 am to 12:00 pm.
Self-Referral Curbside COVID-19 Testing
Evanston Regional Hospital in front of the hospital
190 Arrowhead Drive, Evanston WY 82930
Monday – Friday; 8:00 am to 12:00 pm
How do I get tested for COVID-19?
If you would like to be tested, drive to the front of the hospital. Use the second driveway to enter. There is a phone number posted to call to receive instructions. A staff member (dressed in personal protective equipment) will perform the collection.
Evanston Regional Hospital now offers a rapid COVID-19 test using PCR methodology through our in-house laboratory. A PCR test detects a minuscule amount of viral RNA and will show any evidence of infection with COVID-19. PCR tests are more sensitive in catching asymptomatic or pre-symptomatic patients.
The actual time it will take you to receive test results will depend on testing demand for the day, but you should expect results in 24 hours or less.
COVID-19 testing is available through self-referral. By self-referring, you decline to meet with a primary care provider about your symptoms. TeleHealth appointments are available curbside if you would like to meet with a provider (more information below).
What will my COVID-19 test cost?
Evanston Regional Hospital will not collect a co-pay for self-referral COVID-19 testing at the time of the curbside test; however you may receive a bill after your insurance plan processes our bill. Please make any applicable payment when you receive the bill. Per new federal guidelines, insurance companies may now allocate a portion of COVID testing to their insurance policy holders. This means you could have to meet your deductible or pay a copay. For more information please contact your insurance plan. Uninsured patients will be billed to the government according to the federal guidelines still in effect.
A physician (most commonly in the Emergency Department) may decide to order a test called the Biofire test. The Biofire is a PCR test like the WY State Lab offers and thus is more sensitive, but can be performed at Evanston Regional Hospital. Physicians can get results back much more quickly, along with a specific diagnosis of specific respiratory pathogens like flu, COVID, or rhinovirus. The standard co-insurance and deductible patient responsibilities apply to that test, meaning you will receive a hospital bill. The actual cost will vary based on your insurance.
Can I speak with a doctor about my symptoms?
If you would like to speak with a primary care provider, you also have the option of a virtual TeleHealth visit from your home or vehicle at curbside. A TeleHealth appointment allows you to visit with a family medicine provider to answer your questions and discuss your symptoms. Standard doctor visit co-pays apply for a TeleHealth appointment. You can also schedule a TeleHealth visit directly yourself at EvanstonAnytime.com.
You also have the option 24/7 to be seen by a physician in the Emergency Department. Standard ER hospital and physician charges apply.
How do I get tested when curbside testing is closed?
In addition, COVID screening and testing is available in the evenings, nights, and weekends through the Emergency Department. Standard ER hospital and physician charges apply.
What are the symptoms for COVID-19?
Symptoms reported with COVID-19 are cough, fever, shortness of breath, and sore throat. Research has also shown the presence of other symptoms including nasal congestion, loss of sense of smell and taste, and gastrointestinal symptoms, as well. Schedule a TeleHealth appointment at EvanstonAnytime.com if you want to speak with a primary care provider about any of your symptoms.
When should I get tested for COVID-19?
The ideal timing for the first COVID-19 test is at 4 to 5 days after the initial exposure. If the initial test is negative, test again at day 11 or 12. If you test negative for COVID-19, you may not have been infected at the time your sample was collected. But that still does not mean that you might not get sick. It can take up to 14 days to develop illness. If you have any questions about testing or symptoms, you can schedule a telehealth visit at EvanstonAnytime.com.
What happens after I am tested for COVID-19?
Once you have been tested, you should quarantine until you know the results and your symptoms resolve. That means no running to the grocery store or going out to eat. You should receive rapid results the same day you are tested. But even if you don’t have COVID-19, you should stay home until 24 hours after symptoms have gone away. Flu and strep are also highly contagious.
If your result is positive, you and everyone in your household should quarantine immediately. That means children should be picked up from school. Spouses should also leave work. The likelihood of others in the family developing symptoms is high, which is why everyone should stay home.
The first person in the household who tested positive needs to stay home and do their best to isolate from others until 10 days have passed since the start of their symptoms and they have marked symptom improvement, with at least 24 hours of being fever free without the use of medications. If a person has had no symptoms, they should stay home for 10 days from the date of the positive test.
For other household members, The Wyoming Department of Health recommends 14 days of quarantine from the most recent date of contact with a person who tested positive. The CDC published two options for reducing the length of quarantine following exposure to COVID-19. Options for shortening the quarantine period include:
- Ending quarantine after 10 days if you have monitored yourself daily and have not had any symptoms.
- Ending quarantine after 7 days if you have monitored yourself daily and have not had any symptoms AND you had a negative PCR test collected on day 5 or later. In no circumstances can quarantine be discontinued before 7 full days of quarantine have passed since exposure.
If household members do begin to show symptoms, they should seek testing and follow the above guidelines if their test is positive.
This is how we slow the spread: By ensuring, those you have been in close contact with don’t in turn spread COVID-19 to their circles.
More resources and answers to common questions are available through the Wyoming Department of Health here. You can also email our local Public Health Department at [email protected].
How do I get a printed copy of my COVID-19 test results?
You will receive a phone call to let you know the results of your test within 24 hours of your test.
For printed results, please call 307-783-8134 to arrange picking up the results at the hospital (ERH). Please bring your drivers’ license and Release of Information form (available at EvanstonRegionalHospital.com).
Did you know that by signing up for the Patient Portal you have access to all records including your COVID results? Please click here to sign up for your personal Patient Portal today.
If you are experiencing a medical emergency, please call 9-1-1.