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Gynecological Pelvic Problems

Gynecological Pelvic Problems

Gynecological Pelvic Problems Don’t plan your life around your period. When it comes to women’s health and periods, a little variation is to be expected. But ifyou’ve been experiencing unusually heavy periods, irregular bleeding or excessive pelvicpain lately, that’s...

A Healthier Start to the School Year

As the school year begins, healthy routines should also be part of those plans. Prioritizing your family’s health boosts immunity, energy, and cognitive function throughout the school day.  Immunization Awareness MonthAugust is Immunization Awareness Month—a time to...

Stay a Step Ahead: Managing Foot Health with Diabetes

Diabetes affects an estimated 38.4 million people in the U.S. and presents unique challenges to foot health. Proactive care and vigilance are essential to prevent serious complications and maintain healthy feet.  According to Dr. Chad D. Brady, DPM, FACFAS, a foot and...